- Colonel Patton was a fanatic.
- That's what made him great.
You think this guy is Patton?
He's a dangerous lunatic, threatening
nuclear war, and he means it.
What's that make us, since we're the
only nation to ever drop a nuclear bomb?
It makes us a prime target.
There's a half a dozen...
other Third World countries with
atom bombs who'd love to drop one on us.
[Dougherty] That's right.
That's why we should drop one on them.
Are you a communist? You have a problem
with us dropping nuclear bombs on Japan?
- Shut up, Dougherty.
- You think it was a mistake, Mr. Hunter?
Using the bomb
on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
- Well, if I thought that,
sir, I wouldn't be here.
- [Ramsey Laughing]
- Interesting way you put that.
- How'd I put it, sir?
Very carefully.
[Men Laughing]
You do qualify your remarks.
Somebody asked me if we
should have bombed Japan...
a simple, "Yes, by all means, sir.
Drop that fucker. Twice."
- [Men Laughing]
- I don't mean to suggest...
that you're indecisive,
Mr. Hunter.
Not at all.
Just, um... complicated.
Of course, that's the way
the Navy wants you.
Me, they wanted simple.
- Well, you certainly fooled them, sir.
- [Laughs]
Be careful there, Mr. Hunter.
It's all I got to rely on:
Bein' a simpleminded son of a bitch.
Rickhover gave me
my command...
a checklist, a target
and a button to push.
All I had to know
is how to push it.
They'd tell me when.
They seem to want you to know why.
I would hope they'd want
us all to know why, sir.
At the Naval War College...
it was metallurgy and nuclear reactors,
not 19th-century philosophy.
[Stifled Laugh]
"War is a continuation
of politics by other means."
Von Clausewitz.
I think, sir, that what he was actually
trying to say was a little more...