- All ahead standard.
Rudder amid ships. Aye.
- All stations.
All stations, report damage.
Report damage.
[P.A.] Engine room reports
number one ASW pump failed.
Control/Torpedo Room:
Three feet of water in the bilge.
Request a team
with a submersible pump.
Control/Engine Room:
Request all E-division personnel...
lay to the engine room
to assist in ground isolation.
Report hostile contact.
- Conn/Sonar: Uh, we lost him, sir.
- Well, keep looking.
- He's out there looking for us.
- Aye, sir.
Estimated time to 1Sq.
Conn/Weapons: Missile systems
ready to launch...
- in six minutes.
- [Ramsey] Very well.
Main seawater pump
is out of commission.
Mr. Zimmer,
where's that EAM?
Mr. Zimmer,
where's that EAM?
- You all right, son?
- Yes, sir.
- That's it?
- Ah, uh-huh. It's incomplete, sir.
We lost it when the radio buoy cable
got severed.
All right.
All right, gentlemen,
let's get on with it.
All ahead one-third.
- [Bell Ringing]
- Steady as you go.
All ahead one-third.
Steady. Aye, sir.
Make your depth 150 feet.
Zero bubble.
Up slow and silent
to launch depth.
Up slow and silent to launch depth.
Aye, aye, Captain.
Got the EAM.
- What do you think?
- I think there's nothing on this.
Yes, sir. It, uh, got cut off
during the attack.
Then it's meaningless.
Sir, this is an EAM
pertaining to nuclear missiles.
No, Mr. Hunter,
that's a message fragment.
Because it got cut off
during the attack, sir.
The message could mean anything.
It could be a message to abort.
- It could be a message...
- Could be a fake Russian transmission.
Which is exactly why
we need to confirm it, sir.
- All I'm asking for is the time
we need to get back on line.
- Calm down, Mr. Hunter.
- I am calm.
- You don't appear to be calm.
Conn/Weapons: Missile systems
ready to launch in four minutes.