Crimson Tide

- Captain, I cannot concur.
- Repeat my command.

Sir, we don't know what this means.
Our target package could have changed.

You repeat this order
or I'll find somebody who will!

- Hell no, you won't, sir.
- You're relieved of your position.

Cob, remove Mr. Hunter
from the control room.

- Get Lieutenant Zimmer in here now!
- No, sir, I do not concur...

and I do not recognize your authority
to relieve me on the command
under Navy regulations.

- Cob, arrest this man and get him out!
- Captain Ramsey...

under operating procedures governing
the release of nuclear weapons...

we cannot launch our missiles
unless both you and I agree!

- Cob, what are you waiting for?
- Now this is more than formality, sir.

This is why your command must
be repeated! It requires my assent!

I do not give it, and, furthermore,
you continue upon this course...

- and insist upon this launch without
confirming this message first...
- Son of a bitch.

- I will be forced,
backed by the rules of precedents...
- Chief of the boat...

- as captain and commanding
officer of the USS Alabama...
- authority and command...

- regulation 08150H6...
- I order you to place
the X.O. Under arrest...

- on the charge of mutiny!
- Of the Navy regulations...

- to relieve you...
- I say again, I order you...

- of command, Captain!
- To place the X.O. Under arrest...

on the charge of mutiny!
- Cob!
- Captain, please, the X.O. Is right.

We can't launch
unless he concurs.

"To the USS Alabama.
Rebel-controlled missiles
being fueled.

Launch codes compromised.
Dissidents threaten launch
at continental United States.

Set DEFCON two.
Immediately launch ten
Trident missile sorties."

They're fueling their missiles!
We don't have time to fuck around!

Sir, I think you need time
to think this over.

I don't have
to think this over!

Captain, I relieve you
of your command of this ship.

Cob, escort the captain
to his stateroom.

- I'm assuming command.
- You're not assuming anything.

Chief of the boat, Captain Ramsey's
under arrest. Lock him in his stateroom.

- Captain, please...
- Now, Cob!

Aye, sir.
Mitchell! Walker!

Take the captain below.
