Cutthroat Island

Excuse me. Pardon me.
His name's Shaw, sir.
l trust you'll enjoy life
as a slave, Mr. Shaw.

Whoever you are.
That's good. Tie it off!
Morgan, think of the freedom.
You can do anything you want now.
Come to London with me.
Come to London with me.

There's dukes there.
There's earls and parties.

lt'll be fun.
Think of how much fun it'd be.

Besides, these men aren't
gonna take orders from you.

They will! Watch.
You there.

Stand to. Hoist my pennant.
Bring it here.
Mutiny, will ya?
l was hoping to find you sober.
l was hoping to be passed out
by now, Mr. Glasspoole.

lmportant things go on overhead.
Morgan, you should be there.
Men, Black Harry is gone.
l'm not one to speak ill
of the dead...

but for months
he brought us nothing.

So now we can either sell
this rotten bark and divvy up...

or you can choose me captain.
l stand for captain.
