Cutthroat Island

That's tender.
lt's about to become more tender.
They're backwards.
l assure you, ma'am,
they're normal in every respect.

No, the words.
They're written backwards.

Look. Can you see?
''Cliffs of blood.''
Bless me.

You're right.
You tell Mr. Squeakum's that l will
send him a new chapter every month.

- Now, what's this all about?
- He's a great admirer of your books.

That makes me happy.
Which books has he read? Did he mention?

His Excellency Governor Ainslee,
John Reed, the author...

the chronicler of piracy.

Step up, sir. Always a pleasure
to meet a literary man.

- l'd just as soon walk.
- l insist.

l can do that, you know.
''When the earth and
all its people quake-- Psalm, number 75.

My bones suffer mortal agony.
Number 42.''

- And?
- That's all.

- No position? No parallel?
- l swear it, ma'am.

That's all that's here.
Piracy, Mr. Reed, is the scourge
of these plantations.

l, therefore, give rather large rewards
for the capture of pirates...

including Morgan Adams.
l don't know who she is.
Trotter tells me that you move
throughout the pirate world...

collecting your little tales.
lf by some chance you come across her,
you might tell her on my behalf...

that l offer her two alternatives.
One, an ignominious death on the gallows
like these poor fellows here.

Please bear in mind that
l could decide you're a pirate as well.
