l've treated you cruel,
haven't l?
You've had a lot on your mind.
And you did help me
at the prison.
The tavern.
Let's say, between us,
just for argument's sake...
that you have Mordachai's map.
But l don't.
No, l know that,
but pretend that you do.
l was willing to go halves
with him and his.
l will do the same
with you and yours.
You're saying...
that if l show you mine,
you'll share yours with me?
Give me the map.
Give me a kiss first.
Map now.
You see, the thing is...
l don't have it.
But that doesn't mean
we can't keep talking about it.
Mr. Blair's respects, Captain.
Talk to yourself.
Yes, Mr. Bowen?
The Reaper's five miles off
and closing.
You should stay down.
Mr. Bowen, see that Mr. Shaw
gets a change of clothes.
- He's beginning to stink.
- Aye, Captain.