- Move slowly to the right, people.
- Yep, yep
Miss Johnson.
- You better be for real.
- Yep, yep
- Yep, yep
- Miss Johnson?
Yes, Callie?
lf you wanna get the class
to listen, get Emilio.
- Yep, yep
- lt's all right
- lt's all right
- As you may have heard
- Yeah
- To smoke a fat one
- To smoke a fat one
- And drink a Thunderbird
- Drink a Thunderbird
- lt's okay
- lt's okay
- To play this loud
- Mister DJ, don't mean
to sweat you down
- Wait
- I'll get you, you little fucker.
- Yep
- Poetry?
- Poetry, yeah.
- These kids?
- Why not these kids?
Well, hey, go for it.
No, but I gotta find a gimmick
first, you know. Something
that'll grab their attention.
- Who's your favourite poet, Griffith?
- My favourite?
- Oh, there are so many.
How do I choose?
- I'm serious.
Mmm. Serious. Okay.
- Big D. Dylan.
- Get out!
Why not?
Well, I don-- He's n-- You know,
he's not for everybody.
I mean, he's a little
long-winded, don't you think?
I suppose that's 'cause
he wrote drunk.
He had a drinking problem?
Well, the guy's Welsh.
There ain't a lot to do there.
I thought he was from Minnesota.
You know, if the guy's your
favourite poet, you might want
to read up on him a little bit.
He was Welsh and
he drank himself to death.
Dead? He's not dead.
I saw him yesterday on MTV.
You saw Dylan Thomas on MTV.
No. Bob Dylan.
-Bob Dylan? Ohh!
-He looked dead. He looked dead.
- Ohh!
- Hey, Mr Tambourine Man
Play a song for me