Uh, soy Louanne Johnson.
"l will not go down underground
'Cause somebody tells me
that death's comin' 'round"
Okay, this is another
Dylan poem.
Now, is that a code, or does
that just mean what it says?
"And I will not carry myself
down to die
When I go to my grave
My head will be high"
"My head will be high."
What does that mean?
ls there something
I should know?
Yeah. I'll tell you.
You ratted on Raul,
Gusmaro and Emilio.
Yeah. You got Emilio
put into detention.
lt wasn't none of your
business, chismosa.
And you got Raul
and Gusmaro suspended.
- Now they're gonna get
their fuckin' asses kicked.
- And you got Emilio--
- Hey, I didn't rat on anybody.
- Wasn't none of your business
anyway, you chismosa.
- Bullshit.
- Let this--
- Told you she was full of shit.
- Snitches get stitches, bitch.
- Do you wanna talk about this?
On you, shit. Whatever
floats your boat, teach.