When I go to my grave
My head will be high"
That is a choice.
There are no victims
in this classroom!
Why do you care anyway?
You just here for the money.
Because I make a choice to care.
And, honey, the money ain't that good.
- Whatever.
- Read it again, Miss Johnson.
- What?
- Read those lines you just read again.
"l will not go down underground
'Cause somebody tells me
that death's comin' 'round"
Does that mean
just what it says?
No, it don't mean
just what it says.
you wouldn't go
under the ground...
if someone told you
death was comin'.
But you would go into the ground
if you were already dead.
Do the rest of you
agree with that?
Well, I kinda agree with it,
but I think
it just means that...
he ain't gonna help death out,
you know?
lt's not like he's just gonna
lay down and wait for it.
I think he's gonna choose-- No,
I think he's gonna make the choice--
to die hard.
- Yeah, I agree with that.
- Yeah, me too.
- That's what it sounds like to me.
- Okay.
Well, what about, uh,
the rest of it? Um--
"When I go to my grave
My head will be high"
"Head will be high."
What does that mean?
- You're gonna die with pride.
- Right.