What you need
Babe, you got it
All I'm askin'
is for a little respect
Yo, kick it, homes!
What you waitin' for, man?
- Are you trying to steal my $2.50, ése?
- Ah, go, go, go.
Man, that ain't shit.
Go faster, man. Go faster, man.
- Come on, come on
- Faster, man, faster!
- You got to gimme, gimme
- R-E-S-P-E-C-T
- I got to get it, get it
- R-E-S-P-E-C-T
- You got to gimme, gimme
- R-E-S-P-E-C-T
- I got to get it, get it
- R-E-S-P-E-C-T
- Come on, get back.
Are you all right, man? That looked
like a real bitch right then.
Hey, get the fuck
out of there, man. Look at you!
You look like my grandma, man.
- R-E-S-P-E-C-T
- Miss Johnson,
the-- the School Board would have every
right to insist on your dismissal.
You informed no one.
You got no permission slips.
Oh, but there was no one to inform.
All the kids just decided to go to
the amusement park at the last minute.
And then they let me come along.
- Did they pay for you?
- No, I paid for them.
I was just so moved
by the invitation.
This wasn't, by any chance,
their reward for reading
poetry, was it, Miss Johnson?
ln my class, Mr Grandey,
poetry is its own reward.
Angela, would you read
the first line?
"Appetizers. Freshly cut bay shrimp
grilled to perfection."
- This is a Xerox of a menu.
- That is correct.
lt's from The Flowering Peach,
the best restaurant in town.
- Ever hear of it?
- Yeah, we heard of it.
lt's supposed to be like
some special restaurant or somethin'.
So, does it sound good?