Out-fucking-standing job.
Saddle up. Let's get to the rally point,
take that whirlybird home.
- We got some beer to drink.
- We goin' to the rally point now?
The mission's been compromised.
We're goin' to site 37.
It ain't compromised no more.
They're dead.
Now this is Sneaky Pete.
Some of them dead gooks...
they could have important
intelligence papers on their bodies.
All right.
- Move 'em out.
- Move out!
Hammerhead, Hammerhead.
Cobra on site of your mission now.
I count ten... say again, ten...
- How copy? Over.
- I copy, one-zero. Good job.
Hammerhead, Cobra. Solid copy.
Good job. Cobra out.
Aw, shit, man! What you doin'?
He already dead.
Looks like we nailed us
an officer.
You lucky bastard. You get back to C.P.,
you name your own price, sir.
No way, D'Ambrosio.
I'm keepin' this one.
Been lookin' for one of these
since Cleon and I got here in '66.
Ain't that right, Cleon?
I walked right by that guy.
You gotta keep your eyes open.