- Brother.
- Brother. Go see your mama.
- Right on. I'm gonna check her out.
- With her fine ass.
You know, I been takin' care
of your mama while you been gone.
Boy, I'll kick your head in.
Don't talk like that.
You all right?
Well, can't you look me in my eyes?
I ain't seen you in four years.
Well, what'd you do over there?
What was it like?
Look, uh, I'd rather not
talk about that right now.
Well, Anthony, you gonna have
to tell us something.
Now, you know a lot of them boys
went over there and got hooked
on them drugs and stuff. You know.
Look, I was in a special unit
out there...
and bad habits could've cost us
our lives.
Well, that's what I'm talkin' about,
them bad habits, honey.
Now, if you picked up some of them
things, there's a lot of places
you can go and get help.
No bad habits, Ma.
'Cept a little killin'.
For my country, of course.
Hey. Let me give you some more
of these collards.
- Yeah.
- Baby, this sure is good.
Oh, shit. Look who back.
Look at this motherfuckin' man.
- Hey, what's happenin', youngblood?
- What's goin' on, cool breeze?
- Long time, no see.
- All right now, Pops. What's happenin'?
Hey there. What's goin' on, blood?
Ain't seen you in a long time, man.