- Pull out your goddam knife!
- No! That's enough. Come on!
- I gonna kill this motherfucker!
- That's enough!
That mother! I'm gonna kill
this motherfucker!
- Let me go, Kirby! Let me go!
- No. He's already beat up. Come on now.
- Oh, shit.
- Come on. Let's go get some air.
Don't need no fuckin' air!
Let me go!
- Let me hit him, hit him, hit him
- That's game.
Gonna have the aeroplane corn bread.
Here we go.
- You gonna spoil that girl.
- Mm-hmm.
Gonna spoil that one in your belly too.
I don't need no spoiled kids.
Hey, why not?
Not enough black babies are spoiled.
Ain't that right, Sarah, hmm?
You got a point there.
Come on. Sit on down.
Big girl. Come here.
Come here.
Look at you.
Fat girl.
See what we got ourselves here.
Oh, you know what? I think we're gonna
have ourselves a little boy.
Yeah, come on, man.
You got to be a boy.
Boy, boy, boy. Mm.
Ant Junior.
See, it's the power of the mind.
We will ourselves a little boy.
Then can you will yourself
a better job?
Can you will yourself to stop
drinkin' so much?
Come on, honey.
Don't even start that shit, all right?
I thought we supposed to be havin'
a nice time here.