Dead Presidents

I'm just a college student
tryin' to do her part to rally
the people together.

But, dig, we need more
than talk. It's... It's time to do.

- Do what?
- Revolution.

Oh, wait a minute. See.
Y'all a little outta my league now.

Is that what you're gonna say
when the revolution comes?

W-When it's time
to pick up a gun?

What you know
about weapons?

I'm qualified
to handle a.45...

an M-16 rifle,
a.38-calibre pistol...

and a Russian AK-47.
An AK-47?
Why don't you join us?
A lot of brothers
from the war have.

Baby, I got enough
heavy shit to deal with.

- I got you, brother.
- Relax.

You're so uptight.
Damn, I got to make
some fuckin' bread.

I'm through
with your sister, but...

I still got to take care
of my baby girl, Sarah.

Shit, and the one
that's on the way.

Look, anyway, uh, I got
this plan to make some money.

I want you to keep
this shit to yourself.

At 6:15 a.m., the truck
pulls outta the post office...

at 149th and Grand Concourse.
Now, it makes one stop
before it goes to D. C...

which is a mail drop-off
at First Federal Loan and Savings...

which is on Noble Street
and West.

Now, Kirby...
you're gonna position yourself
in a getaway car...

at the end of the corner,
where you can see everything.

Jose. Me and you gonna
position ourselves behind the bank...

underneath the left
and the right side of the loadin' dock.
