Dead Presidents

God's not gonna
forgive me for this one.

I'll tell you what, Reverend.
With this kind of money, you can
buy your way into heaven.

That's where you're wrong, brother.
We done bought our way into hell.
The plain fact is that I promised
the Lord I would never sin like this.

To tell you the truth, I'm not sure
I even want any of this dirty money.

Well, I'll tell you what,

We'll find somethin'
to do with your share.

- Amen to that shit.
- No. No, no, no, no.

- I'll take the money.
- You lyin' sack o' shit.

I'm sure the Lord will find
another way for me to do my penance.

Just tell me
one thing, Cleon.

Why the fuck
you didn't grab the cop?

You killed him.
A young brother.

If you wouldn't have froze up like
a bitch, maybe I wouldn't have had
to do that shit, now wouldn't I?

Would y'all
shut the fuck up?

Man, Delilah. Shit.
Man, radio said they got
Joe's stupid ass.

Fucked it up.
The whole plan was fucked up.

We ain't do shit right
out there, man. Shit.

Y'all make sure that Jose's share
goes to Marisol and his kids.

- Walk on by
- Done.

Your junkie ass really
messed up out there.

Don't blame me
for your fuck-ups.

I told Anthony I didn't want nothin' to
do with a crazy, devil-filled junkie!

- What?
- You listenin' to me? Look at him.

- Oh, shit!
- Now say some more shit!
