Oh, my God.
These proceedings are concluded.
This court is adjourned.
"Life"? What the fuck
he mean "life"?
After all the shit I did
for this motherfuckin' country?
What the fuck he talkin' about, "life"?
Man, fuck you! Fuck you!
- Hey!
- Oh, Anthony!
After all the shit I did
for this motherfuckin' country?
You, remove the prisoner
from the court!
- You hear me?
- Fuck you! Fuck you!
- Restrain the prisoner!
Get him outta here! Let the record
show... Let the record show...
that a chair was thrown
at the judge.
Whoa, whoa
If you see me
walkin' down the street
And I start to cry
Each time we meet
Then walk on by
Walk on by
Make believe
That you don't see the tears
You just let me grieve
in private
'Cause each time I see you
I just can't help myself
I think about how tight we used to be
I break down and cry
Oh, baby
Walk on by
I just can't get over
losing you
So if I seem