And then he came
with Bob and the sheriff.
It's like tumblers in a lock.
Everything has to line up.
- Seven stars, seven people...
- Yeah, yeah.
Goddamn it, I'm not making
these rules up!
And I didn't...
I didn't ask for this!
All right?
You wanna know what's going on?
Shall I tell ya?
In the beginning,
God created the heavens
and the earth.
You're talking Genesis.
That beginning?
And the earth was
a formless void...
and darkness covered
the face of the deep.
But the darkness wasn't empty.
It was full of creatures.
Full of demons.
And they had seven keys
formed into a circle...
to focus the power of the cosmos
into their hands...
until God stepped forth
and said,
"Let there be light. "
And there was light.
And He scattered the demons...
and He scattered the keys...
all across the universe.
Then we fast-forward about
two or three million millennia.
Now the demons are back.
They got six of the keys.
And one day they find
the seventh key here on earth.
To save it, God filled it
with the blood of a carpenter...
who was being crucified
by the Romans...
and gave it to a thief
named Sirach.
The blood ins... inside...
is that...
Some of it. Yeah.
It gets used, you see.
Sirach had to refill it.
Bad neck wound.