See? Now this one I can play.
Don't even think about it.
Give me the guitar.
The guitar!
Go away.
This your father's guitar?
Is this why he doesn't work now?
They switch guitars every few days.
What do you get?
My father doesn't have to work.
He watches TV.
He says they hide it all over.
Ladies with baby carriages,
the church...
...bookstores. Ask Carolina.
She'll tell you.
She does the same thing.
What? Jesus.
- What did you tell him?!
- Who?
- You work for him, right?
- I work for nobody.
I want to know what you said!
- Nothing.
- Nothing?!
What are you talking about?!
You said I was at church!
- I haven't said anything to anybody!
- Look at me now!
You're protecting him!
- I'm not!
- You are!
If I was, I would've
told him you were here!
You don't want him dead!
I want no one dead!
Killing him is not the answer.
You know what I see?