That explains everything.
He had a hangover.
Back off!
Back off! Back off!
Get out of here!
Let's go! Get out of here!
Come on, you son of a bitch!
Calm down!
You son of a bitch.
They left me alone in
that musty room for 3 hours...
... till some guy in a suit about
two sizes too big said I could go.
The game of cops and niggers kept up
outside, but I hardly noticed.
I had seen dead bodies before.
Cold, hard...
...still as concrete...
... eyes wide open,
staring up at nothing.
But not Coretta.
I could still feel her heartbeat.
Hey, Ezekiel Rawlins.
Somebody in the back
would like to talk to you.
I ain't got time.
Get in. We'll take you.
My boss wants to talk to you
about Coretta James.
If he wanted to hurt you,
it would've happened already.
Come on.
Get in.