every week.
Lucky number.
Half the cops here
play their badges.
How are the kids, John?
They're OK.
Did you talk with Holly?
No, I didn't talk to Holly.
Coming up on it, Inspector.
Is it hot,
or am I just scared to death?
Wanna make sure
the gun's secure?
Yeah. It's good.
You're the first woman
since Holly to see me do this.
I'm honored.
Yeah, so was she.
So...where's the backup
going to be?
We're going to draw back
to 128th Street.
Ten blocks?
You fucking kidding me?
Oh, man. That's just great.
Walter, what is all this about?
If we don't do what he says,
he'll blow up another pIace.
Why me?
I have no idea.
He just said it had to be you.
It's nice to be needed.
Frankly, John--
How about you mind your fucking
business about Holly, huh?
You and Simon are fucking up
a perfectly good hangover.
We'll be back
to pick you up in 15 minutes.
Take your time.
I expect to be dead in four.
Let's go, Billy!