Die Hard: With a Vengeance

Birds of a feather
flock together.

So do pigs and swine.
Rats and mice
have their chance...

as will I have mine.
Nice. Rhymes.
Why was the phone busy?
Who were you calling?

The psychic hot line.
I'd advise you
to take this more seriously.

It's a public phone.
What should I say?

Simply say there was
a fat woman on it...

and it took a minute
to get her off.

Now, John, there's a significant
amount of explosive...

in the trash receptacle
next to you.

Try to run,
and it goes off now.

I got a hundred people out here.
That's the point.
Now, do I have your attention?
As I was going to St. Ives,
I met a man with seven wives.

Every wife had seven sacks.
Every sack had seven cats.

Every cat had seven kittens.
Kittens, cats, sacks, and wives.
How many were going to St. Ives?
My phone number is 555--
I didn't get that!
Say it again!

Not a chance.
My phone number is 555
and the answer.

Call me in 30 seconds or die.
Seven guys
with seven wives--

Shut up, McClane.
Seven guys with seven wives--
He said seven wives
with seven sacks.

Seven times seven is 49.
Tell me the rest.

A sack with--seven sacks--
-Weren't you listening?
-What's wrong with you?

A bad hangover, for one!
All right.
Seven wives times seven--49...

with seven cats--
Seven times 49 is 343, right?

-Asking me or telling me?
-I'm telling you.

times seven is...

Two thousand,
four hundred and one.

-That's what you got right?

Is that it? 2401?
That's it. Dial 555-2401.
No, wait, wait! It's a trick.
I forgot about the man.
Fuck the man!
We got 10 seconds!

He said how many
were going to St. Ives.

The riddle begins,
"As I was going to St. Ives."

The wives aren't going anywhere.
What are they doing?
How the hell should I know?
Who's going to St. Ives?
Just the guy.
Just one guy?
-The answer's one.
-How do you dial one?
