Die Hard: With a Vengeance

I'm getting on that train.
You get to that phone by 10:20.

I'm gonna get that bomb.
You fail, I cover your ass.
I fail, you cover my ass.

If we both fail?
Then we're both fucked.
Go, now! Get to that
phone booth by 10:20!

My lucky fucking day.
Shit! Look out, ma'am!
Look out! Look out!
Look out! Get out of the way!
This is a bad idea.
Excuse me!
Get out of the way, please.
One-twelve Wall Street.
This isn't a taxi.
You don't understand.

Your light's on.
I'll make it simple.

One-twelve Wall Street...
or I'll have
your medallion suspended.

What, you don't like
white people?

One-twelve Wall Street.
You got it.
Move your legs!
Get your legs out of the way!

Sorry. Sorry.
