Die Hard: With a Vengeance

Mr. Vanderfloog.
There's a Mr. Vanderfloog
for Mr. Little.

Go down 20 meters.
Come on.
A lot of steam.
We snapped some steam pipes.
It's like a sauna.
The subway guys
shut down the third rail.

Emergency lighting?
Emergency lights,
and there's some--

No shooting!
-Speak English!
-Otto doesn't speak English.

Do you, Otto?
Where did we get this guy?
One of Targo's thugs.
Go all the way up.
All the way.
So what's up with
this L.A. thing?

You famous or something?
For about five minutes.
Don't tell me.
Rodney King, right?

Fuck you.
You know this guy Simon?
I threw his little brother...
off the 32nd floor
of Nakatomi Towers out in L.A.

I guess he's pissed off.
Wait. I'm in this shit
'cause some white cop...

threw some white asshole's
brother off a roof?
