"The mute soil doesn't read your letters"
"Come, kiss your soil,
bring back the earth to life"
"Yes, you have your dreams:
But we are yours too, your kin"
"You are so forgetful, but we miss you so..."
"Come home o' wanderer, your land beckons"
Glory to The Goddess
Yes Lajjo, I'm here safe and sound.
- Good
Why is my little one giggling away?
- Mom! Every day for 20 years...
Dad has been walking down
the very same street...
to his very same destination.
Yet every day, you call him up...
just to ask him, "Have you reached?"
- You wont understand
Just assume it's a ha bit.
- Ha bit left unchanged...
tends to become necessity-like.
- Philosophy, again? You're twelve