Why hide anything from me?
When a girl is grown up...
her mother becomes her friend.
Show that to me
You wont tell anyone, will you?
- Never
All right. I'll read. You listen.
- Very well
"This is the first time it's happening in 18 years"
"Some stranger I have never
seen, comes to my mind..."
"shadow-like before my eyes"
"Someone raps on my heart"
"Deep eyes want me to give myself up"
"When I look at my hands,
there I see a face etched"
"A silken breath brushes my cheeks"
"My hair still smells of the o dour on his hands"
"Yes, it's happening for
the first time in 18 years"
"I've never seen this stranger
who comes to my mind"
Simi, you've begun writing quite well...
and the boy seems lively.
Who's he?
Ma, I've yet to set my eyes on him
So there's no one? I was wondering.
One doesn't find such boys nowadays
And you dream of someone you
haven't even seen! Quite mad
No Ma. This is no dream
I may not have met him, seen him.
But he's there. Out there, somewhere