No my child, of course you may dream
But don't expect them to come true
And who know, Kuljit might
be the man of your dreams
I don't care. I've bought your tickets.
You're coming to Europe with me
- I can't
Babujiwon't let me go to college
alone. Will he let me go away...
touring Europe for a month?
I have lots of work here.
- You've known me for years
Can't you make up an excuse?
An excuse, I can find. But I
don't feel like lying to Babuji
Let me talk to Matonight
- Yes
With friends?
- Yes
For a month?
- Yes
Chutki, call the doctor. Tell him that
our Simran has gone stark mad
Will you at least take a look?
- Check out your brains first
You talk of traveling by Eurail? If
he hears, he'll bring the roof down
A lone girl mustn't travel like this.
- Mom, I'm not going to be alone
My friends are going to be with me.
- No good arguing with me
I'm not going to object. But
you will need his permission
Ask him when he's home
God, please keep Babuji in a nice mood
It's just beer. It's over there.
- I told you. The store is shut