You were so little when we
brought you here. And now...
They said that a grown-up
daughter is a burden on a man
But a daughter like you, makes
a father's chest swell with pride!
You're my good girl
Will you give something if I ask you?
- Whatever you wish
I want to take a look at Europe
Eurail is offering a monthÂ’s tour.
All my friends are going
Please don't be cross. I have
never disobeyed you, Babuji
I'll be going away to a land I have never seen
The man I'm going to marry
is a complete stranger. But...
I have no complaints. You must've
considered it in my best interests
But I won't get a chance like this ever again.
I don't even know whether I'll ever come back...
whether I will have these friends later on
Besides, it's only for a month. In
a month, I will have lived a lifetime