This is the limit!
Simran, you're here?
I heard you've missed the train.
- No, I took it
I was afraid...
- By the way, what's your name?
Here I am. Shall we...?
- Take it easy
Pump it up
- It's pumped. Look
It's nothing.
- Raj, where have you been?
As usual. Caught up with a girl
- I help her onto the train
And she falls for me.
- What...?
He bored me. He had me all
alone, and he began flirting
Same old hat... haven't I seen you before?
She sidled up to me.
- What?
I was scared! Only so much
space, and there she was with me
- Then what? She was lost in my eyes
He was after my eyes. Wouldn't
shut up. Boys these days...
These girls! I just managed
to come out unscathed
What's that?
- Invitation to a party
I told you. It'll be a bore.
- You prophesied a train crash
And then we'd all be charred alive
after supper in a dinner-hall fire
Look, boys.
- Where...?
He's the one