Still taking blood samples here.
lf you feel more comfortable,
Miss Claiborne...
...you can always use the back stairs.
John, is it all right if we go upstairs
and get her things?
Go on.
l'm sorry.
He got a search warrant, so l...
...had to go through it for evidence. Yep.
lt's pretty routine.
Okay, let's get this over with.
You can pack up and take anything
that's not...
...bagged or tagged.
l know that doesn't leave much.
Sorry, Dolores.
l'll give you a hand here.
Dolores, is that it then?
No. l got something in Vera's room.
This room's off limits.
l'm still going through things here.
Miss Claiborne.
What's this then?
lt's my scrapbook.
lt's Selena's articles.
l'd read them to Vera.
Almost got away with it, didn't she?
l read that. That's good stuff.
You really got him to open up there.
Very impressive.