You want Don Juan DeMarco,
the world's greatest lover...
to talk to you?
What do you know ofgreat love?
Have you ever loved a woman...
until milk leaked from her...
as though she had just
given birth to love itself...
and now mustfeed it or burst?
Have you ever tasted a woman...
until she believed
that she could be satisfied...
only by consuming the tongue
that had devoured her?
Have you ever loved
a woman so completely...
that the sound
ofyour voice in her ear...
could cause her body
to shudder...
and explode
with such intense pleasure...
that only weeping
could bring her full release?
Where is Don Octavio del Flores?
My host at this villa.
Oh, villa.
Sí, villa.
Where is Don Octavio?
You mean Dr. Mickler?
Why do you think that
Dr. Mickler...
is Don Octavio del Flores?
Why do you think
Don Octavio del Flores...
is Dr. Mickler?
Hello there, Willy.
How are you?
-Don Octavio del Flores.
-At your service.