Are you ltalian...
Mexican, or Spanish?
That is all you have to say?
You want to know my nationality?
Your name is DeMarco.
That's ltalian.
You were brought up in Mexico,
and when you speak English...
you speak it
with a Castilian accent.
My accent has been colored
by my many travels.
Very well.
l will answer your question.
I was raised in Mexico.
My father was born in Queens.
His name was Tony DeMarco.
He was ltalian.
The Dance King ofAstoria.
Excuse me. Your father
was a dance king...
here in New York City
in Astoria?
My father had come to Mexico...
to work for
a pharmaceutical company.
He had just gotten
offthe bus...
and was walking
to a nearby hacienda...
to inquire about
renting a room...
when he first saw my mother.
Both her parents were killed
by a sickness.
My mother was younger
and stronger and survived.
She took over their plantation.
Sitting in the sunlight
on the veranda...
with the bright rays
lighting her hair...
she was a vision so beautiful...
that atfirst my father
could not believe his eyes.
lt was love atfirst sight.
They held each other
in the moonlight...