Yes. This is Dr. Mickler.
Remember? We spoke on
the phone about your grandson.
Doña Ana...
she's all he talks about.
He waits for the mailman
like he's delivering cannoli.
See, the boy's convinced
he's found his one true love.
He's worse
than his father, Tony.
Tony, the Dance King ofAstoria.
This is his father?
He won a prize for dancing?
Well, you never heard of him?
Did his father
sell pharmaceuticals?
Tony couldn't sell a boat
to a drowning man.
No. He worked for
a dry cleaning concern.
He did drapes and sofas.
His father still alive?
Didn'tJohnny tell you anything?
Tony died in
a terrible car crash.
-lt was five years ago.
-ln Mexico.
ln Phoenix.
-They never lived in Mexico?
-Where is his mother now?
-l couldn't tell you.
We were never what
you might call close.
How often did you see
your grandson...
when he was growing up?
Only once. Johnny was six.
Do you mean that
that's the only time...
you saw Johnny
in your entire life?
Up till three months ago.
l...l opened the door...
and there was Zorro.
I just seen your grandmother...
and she's got
the bizarre impression...
that your name is
John Arnold DeMarco...