Renfield, good of you to come.
Good to see you, old chap.
How are you feeling?
Normal. Perfectly normal.
- Excellent.
- Yes.
Dr. Seward, may I ask
why I've been brought to the sanitarium?
We would like to perform a few tests,
that's all, if you don't mind.
No, not at all.
As you can see, I'm quite all right now.
Quite so. Hungry?
- Famished.
- Help yourself.
- Such a bounty.
- Yes.
I was just telling...
What was that?
- You grabbed something from the table.
- I did not.
You did. I saw you.
You put it in your mouth.
I think it was an insect.
That was a raspberry.
Raspberry? We're not serving raspberries.
Then it must have been a raisin.
It fell off a muffin.
- There seems to be one missing.
- It's missing?
- Really? Of course.
- Only a raisin.
How extraordinary.
Silly me, it must have been
my imagination...
There, you did it again.
You just put a bug in your mouth.
I think it was a spider.
- I did not.
- Yes, you did.
I tell you, I saw you snatch a spider
right out of the air and eat it.
A spider? How absurd.
- Dropped my fork.
- Dropped it? You flung it.
What's the matter with you?
Mr. Renfield, I'll ask you
what are you doing down there?
Fork found.
- This is most unseemly. I don't think...
- Sorry for the delay.
My God, man.
You're eating insects
right from the ground.
What makes you say that?
Because I can see one
trying to get out of your mouth.
- Out of my mouth?
- Yes, your very own mouth.
- It's wriggling about.
- Don't be ridiculous.