If he works hard...
I may give him a contract.
I'm afraid you don't understand,
Contract or no contract,
the Broschi brothers stay together.
I have to buy them
by the pair?
I am a composer, Maestro.
Dear God!
Farinelli sings
what I compose...
especially for him.
- He sings just about anything.
- I don't quite understand.
Anything at all.
That's what I said.
He sings just about anything.
Don'tyou see
that in his hands...
you'll never be more
than a sideshow attraction?
Do you have
so little regard for music...
that you'd waste your voice
singing rubbish?
Without music,
you don't exist.
You're just a creature
without balls.
Neither man, norwoman.
Your voice
is the only justification...
for your existence.
In here...
there's merely an organ
that nature lets you enjoy...
so you'll forget
how ridiculous that one is.
May God forgive me!
"Some Years Later"
Why do you keep saying "Riccardo"?
I'm almost finished. Wait.
You've been rewriting Act Two
of "Orpheus" for ten years!
Will he ever get
to the underworld?
- Is it really finished?
- Well, finished...
Finished... Uh, finished...