"I'll come...
for your answer...
in your dressing room".
Where is he?
Maestro Handel.
Where is he?
The performance was canceled.
He left like everyone else.
He was supposed to come.
Who are you?
I'm Alexandra Lerris.
But you don't know me.
I've brought you a message...
from Maestro Porpora.
He's desperate.
He needs you. Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Look at me.
Since he took over the Nobles Theater,
he's fought hard.
But he's being ruined
by the King's and Handel's theater.
His competition
has an unfair advantage.
He needs you, Farinelli.
He does.
You must help Porpora.
Come to London.
- Come help him.
- I'm afraid he didn't hear you.
It's the opium.