I know I look frightening,
but I'm really quite nice.
Forgive me.
How old are you, child?
How strange.
"Child" is what
my mother calls me.
I'm 12.
But I'm really much older.
That's the big advantage
of being ill.
My name is Benedict.
But I'm not "blessed" at all.
Would your singers
defect to Covent Garden?
Sell themselves to Handel?
All's fair in the war
between our theaters.
And the singers know it.
Some of them extort
a fortune from us.
I suspect Handel
encourages such blackmail.
I doubt that he'd meet
their demands.
Although the King
supports his theater...
he's almost as broke
as we are.
Is my nose out of place?
Why are you staring at me?
I admire your nerve, madame...
in daring to defy Handel.
Women are very strong,
Signor Farinelli.
Men's weaknesses
make it necessary.
Bravo! Fantastic!
What is that?
Put those flowers away.
You look ridiculous.