First Knight

Where is it written.
beyond Camelot live lesser people?

People too weak
to protect themselves, let them die?

Other people live by other laws.
Or does your law rule the world?

There are laws that enslave men.
and laws that set them free.

Either what we hold to be right
and good and true -

- is right and good and true
for all mankind under God. -

- or we're just a robber tribe.
Your words are talking you
out of peace and into war.

There's a peace you only find
after war.

If that battle must come.
I will fight it!

- And l!
- And l!

The great Arthur ...
and his great dream.

No dream lasts forever.
- What is the status of the army?
- Four battalions. two in reserve.

- I'll double the watch.
- I don't think Malagant wants war.

Arm the reserves.
He wants war.

- He wants Leonesse as a buffer.
- He wants Camelot.

- How soon could he attack?
- His army is five days' march away.

So much for my quieter days.
