Forget Paris

He got it right.
The shot was late
by a hundredth of a second.

Oh, God.
Honey, that's an amazing story.
lf only l liked basketball,
I’d have really liked it.

I’m kidding.
Welcome to Helen's. Something to drink?
- Champagne, when the others arrive.
- We're getting married.

Fine with me.
How's the house wine?
lt's like me: fruity, yet oddly appealing.
We'll wait.
He'll wait. l'll have a glass of red.
You got it.
- I’m a little nervous, all right?
- About what?

Meeting your friends.
They're flying in to New York
from all over the country...

:06:45 look at me.
l'll feel like a show horse.
They'll love you.
Craig and Lucy were wild for you.

Mickey's great. l can't wait
for you to meet him.

l tell you, it's unbelievable.
Three months ago, I’m this confirmed
single dope living in New York...

...writing for the paper l delivered as a kid,
and l get your fax.

One little number off.
- And, bing! We both are--
- l know.

Then l started faxing you
and you start faxing me.

Then pretty soon we're just...
...faxing each other's brains out.
House red.
lt must be the strangest way for
two people to get together l ever heard of.

Mickey and Ellen hold the title
for the strangest getting together.

At least in their weight class.
How did they get together?
She helped bury his father.
Excuse me?
No. l'll wait for Mickey to tell that story.
Wait. Are you crazy?
You can't start a story, ''She helped bury
his father'' and stop. lt's not allowed.

- Come on.
- All right, all right. Here we go.
