This was a few years ago.
Mickey's father died.
lt's good. Mickey hated him.
Everybody did. He left his family
when Mickey was a kid.
When he left,
the neighbourhood had a street fair.
l won a fishing rod.
Best time we ever had.
Anyway, he dies...
And the funeral service is
in the cargo area at JFK.
He wants to be buried in France.
- Was he French?
- No. He was in the D-day invasion.
I think on our side, but I'm not sure.
His whole platoon, except him,
was wiped out defending a village.
They were buried there and he wanted
to be buried with them.
That's sweet.
So, Mickey has to go over and accompany
the body, and see that it gets buried.
Why, if he was such a bad guy?
Whatever his father had done to him,
Mickey wanted to have a clear conscience.
That's Mickey.
Then there was this little problem.
You lost my father?
We're not talking about a Valpac here.
We're talking about a former person
in a bad suit in a big wooden box...
...and all you can say to me is ''oui''?
He's going crazy,
but he's trying not to go off on anyone.
This guy argues for a living.
He'd tell Shaquille O'Neal to shut up.
He doesn't want to be the Ugly American.
Can l see your superior?
l know you're all angry over Euro Disney,
but don't take it out on me.
Whatever you do,
l am not going to lose my temper.
lf l was Hitler, you'd give me my father.
You'd give me everything
in your goddamn country. Where is he?
Two days.
Two days?
He was in that airport two days.