lt's a loaner. l had no jacket.
Right. l guessed.
lt's a good look for me, don't you think?
Sort of the Ellis lsland Collection?
lt's you.
And l don't even know you.
l really have to go. l wanted to tell you
that everything is taken care of.
We'll deliver the casket to the cemetery.
A car'll pick you up at 8:00...
...and bring you back to the airport.
We've upgraded your ticket to first class.
And the ticket is free both ways.
That's supposed to make up
for losing my father?
We'll also pay your hotel bill.
Well, l'll leave you in your grief.
Will anyone else need transportation
to the cemetery?
No. l will be the only one there.
Oh, how sad.
Good, 'cause it's a funeral.
Miss Andrews...
l just wanted to thank you...
...not just for the plane and the car,
but for today...
...you know, with my father.
You were really understanding.
lt was the least l could do.
Anyway. Good-bye, Mr. Gordon.
lt's in there somewhere. There you go.
lt's my father.
He fought in the war here.
These were his buddies.