Technical foul.
Foul line. Go to the foul line.
- Quiet!
- Give him a tech.
- Why are you here?
- lt wasn't his play.
Thanks, Spud.
You know something?
You're the only one l can talk to.
Open it up, ready?
What about Ellen?
Do they call each other? Write?
She writes. He calls.
But it's no good. He misses her.
Thanksgiving. Big network game.
Lakers at Detroit.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's last season.
They had a celebration in every town
the Lakers played. This time in Detroit.
The biggest rivalry in the league.
They're scalping tickets...
...for $600. Of course, Mickey's crew does
the game because he's the best.
Only it's a holiday, he's thousands of miles
from her, he's miserable.
He's a time bomb.
Wake up and drop dead, you putz!
God, l hate your guts!
Where'd you go to ref school,
Dip Shit Tech?
You pathetic pigs.
That's a foul.
What's the matter,
the Prozac didn't kick in?
Get in the game, you prick.
What a waste of blood.
You suck!
Mickey, how'd you miss that last call?
You want to borrow these?
Let's go, let's play.
Hey, Mickey.
Laimbeer's got me in a headlock.
You waiting for blood?
- Technical foul. Who's shooting?
- For what?
Do you want another one?
What did l say?
Just because you're having a bad game,
don't take it out on me.
You're out!
Are you nuts? lt's my farewell game.
Let me be the first to say farewell.