Forget Paris

Hey, Ellen.
Let's sit down, okay?
All right.
l don't know if this is
just the right time for me...

...or how we met...
...or just how wonderful you are, but...
...l really love you.
l want us to get married.
Oh, Mickey, l am married.
Wait. Is this to see
if I'm paying attention?

No. This part was real.
ln the last few months?
Two years.
Where is he?
Well, we're separated.
We might get back together, but...

But you're here with me.
I’m confused.
You're confused?
All this time you never said anything.
You never implied.

I’m not like you.
l can't tell everyone my whole life.

Hit an occasional highlight,
like, ''I’m married.''

You don't do this to a person. You know?
You don't be fabulous
when you know you're not available.

How do you think l feel?
l don't have a clue.
Let's re-cap.
Here's what we know about you.

You're from Wichita,
you have five brothers with bad ears...

:35:37're great in bed...
...and you're married.
I’m overflowing with facts.

l have a good idea.
Why don't you sit down and shut up?

I’m in trouble here.
Should l salvage a bad marriage?
I’ve fallen in love with someone else.
l think that my problems...
...are bigger than yours.
Let's have a holiday from sarcasm, okay?
