Forget Paris

They went to his place at the Marina,
it's not exactly her idea of a love nest.

Open them!
It was sort of a shrine to watching ESPN.
Welcome home.
- It’s just a matter of taste.
- Or lack of.

Anyway, then October comes.
It's time for Mickey to go back on the road.

- She's heartbroken.
- He was heartbroken, too.

Yeah, he was.
They were very much in love.

Travel safely.
She'd left her job in France.
She'd lost her tenure.
She had to start over.

All she could get was this crummy job
in customer relations at Burbank Airport.

Look what you've done to my clothes!
l see, but l have to deal
with this situation first, so just...

Mrs. Durkin? I’m calling from Burbank
Airport and l have your three children here.

They did not get on the plane
because we didn't let them.

Why not? The oldest one is 7
and they showed up...

:44:01 unsupervised.
- Lady!
- Could you--

This is disgusting.
Could you get off the phone?
l don't care if you want to surprise your
husband and the bitch he ran away with.

Get your crap off my counter now!
She's not happy. Mickey only...
...comes home four days a month.
She's in a strange city...
...all alone...
...with a job she hates,
working all hours, weekends, nights.

She was scared. This is LA.
She even got one of those dolls.
- What do you mean ''dolls''?
- It's called Safe-T-Man.

When you're scared you put it next to you.
People think it's a guy.

Those are good. My sister had one.
No one ever bothered her.

Yeah, that was the reason.
Now something happens to Ellen
you won't believe.

This is fabulous. l'll tell it. l tell it better.
