Let me tell this part.
Then you can tell the rest of it.
She'd left the sliding door open
and a pigeon flew in, went after the food...
...and got stuck in the glue.
- She calls the vet.
- Then the vet says:
''Get it right over!''
He's got chemicals that can dissolve
the glue and save the bird.
- She puts the bird in a box, gets in the car.
- And heads for the vet.
- The bird's very nervous.
- Who wouldn't be?
She takes off.
She's driving along,
she hits a huge pothole.
The bird flies into the air...
- ...and sticks to her head.
- You're a liar!
Told you.
Get off.
Help! Help!
Did you see that?
Those are the earrings l wanted.
Mrs. Gordon for Dr. Pilch, please.
Your pet's name?
Get me Dr. Pilch or l'll kill you!
- Honey?
- ln here.
Your lover-man's home.
What a trip l had...
l'll tell her.
Thank you, Doctor. Thanks for calling.
That was the vet. lt's good news.
The pigeon will make it.
Why are you giving me the stink eye?
You had mice in the apartment.
Me? l haven't been here for a month.
l know.
Come on, now. l didn't do anything.
You just had an ''l had
a bird glued to my head'' day.