''Ed's Tropical Aquarium.''
''Mattress City.''
''Donuts, Donuts, Donuts.''
''Mister Sid's Tuxedos.''
''Six Guys from Greece...
''...Authentic Greek Food.''
Why don't you tell him to stop?
l don't think he knows he's doing it.
So this is your life now?
How did you let this happen to you?
l don't know.
The longest l lived with anybody
before this was...
...eight hours, you know.
That made me feel stifled.
Im just not used to...
...someone else having an opinion
about my life.
An opinion l have to listen to.
No, you don't.
- l don't?
- No.
So, what are you saying?
A wife is somebody to adore you
and have sex with and not bother you?
Keep going.
Chef of the Future, what's with the meat?
Making progress?
lt's not quite there yet.
You want to give me a time frame?