Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought
to mind
-Should auld acquaintance--
We used to
have 50 on staff here. Fifty.
I'm the only one left.
All comes down
to one schmuck:
me, the night shift bellhop.
What the hell is that?
A bellhop? Huh? What is he?
Y-You know where
the name comes from?
It's so simple, it's stupid.
Some schmuck rings a bell
and ya hop.
Ya hop front and center.
Did you ever meet
any of the old stars, then?
What, are you kiddin'? I took Rin Tin
Tin out for a shit, for Christ's sakes.
Ah, hey, you talk
about stars, uh--
Hey, kid,
put this on.
Put it on. Put it on. Go ahead.
Come on, come on, come on.
Let me see. Let me see.
You know, and to think that I wore
that stupid thing for 50 years.
To think
I did that. Ah, shit, yeah.
Yeah, well--
Well, kid,
I'm gettin'
my ass outta here.
Yep, kid,
gotta go.
Listen, kid,
stay clear of...
night clerks, kids,
hookers and married arguments.
Come on, stand up. Come on.
I wanna say good-bye.
Now, uh--
Let me see.
You-You wanna get a tip?
Hold your hand out.
That's right. Now, uh, smile.
Give me a smile. Give me
a smile. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Now, if the cocksucker
doesn't pay ya,
you say to yourself, uh,
""Fuck you, Jack.""
You know what I mean?
You never miss.
Tell you something else:
Keep your cock in your pants.