Four Rooms

Who died? No one?
Good. Then don't call me.

I just thought l'd tell you that your
cleaning ladies are doing a bum job.

There's all kinds of leftover stuff
here: needles and things.

We're not supposed
to have needles, are we?

I mean, they don't come
with the room, do they?

Send someone up here
to clean this place up right.

I told you not to shake it!
I gotta go. My dumb brother
just exploded the champagne
all over the room.

Oh, and bring us up
a couple of toothbrushes.

There's a card in the bathroom
that says you'll bring us free
toothbrushes if we ask for them.

I'm calling a room.
Give me three numbers.

Four... zero... nine.

Hi. You don't know me,
and I don't know you either,

but do you have
any needles?

We have needles here,
and I was wondering if they come
with the room or not.

We ain't got
no needles here, kid.

Just a big fuckin' gun.

Just checking.
This is the bull's-eye.
It's worth 100 points.
