Four Rooms

No crackers?
Sleepy time. Now, I don't
want you wandering around,

so if you need
the rest room--

What about our pajamas?
You wanna look nice in case
there's an earthquake, don't you?

Well, then, stay in those clothes.

This is some
Mentholatum ointment.

Now, under the covers and close
your eyes, and I'll tell you a story.

Your dad says he hates baby-sitters,
doesn't trust 'em.

Well, can't say
I blame him, really.

You know what my baby-sitter
did to me when I was a kid?

I used to hate
going to sleep.

You know, when it's late,
you wanna get up, run around, go crazy.

Well, what my baby-sitter
used to do to me...

to make sure l'd stay in bed,
not be tempted to get up,

was she'd take some of
this vapor rub ointment...

and she'd dab a little
on each eyelid...

just to make sure
l'd stay put.

Now you have some too.

Don't open your eyes
or it'll burn, burn, burn.

What about in the morning?
Well, if you keep...

your eyes shut tight all night,
it'll wear off by morning,
but don't open them before then.

Did you ever
open your eyes?

Yes, I did,
and look at me now.

We can't.
Exactly. Good.

You'll do fine.
Sleep tight all night...
and I won't tell your parents
about the champagne.
