Later, Willy.
Give me your hand.
- Here.
- Thanks.
I can't believe that. That was so cool.
- Maybe you can touch him next time.
- I can't believe he let you do that.
- I think he likes it.
- I think you're right.
- Bye, boy. See you.
- Bye.
Oil tanker "Dakar",
this is vessel traffic control. Over.
Vessel traffic control, this is the
tanker "Dakar" at 124.40 inbound.
- Prepare to load oil at 1500 hours.
- Copy, Dakar.
We're cleared.
- What?
- He doesn't look anything like you.
Elvis. Yeah, well,
we got different dads.
Hey, look, an oil tanker.
Tell me about it. They come through
like it's their own private highway.
I saw Jesse kissing Nadine.