That's Willy!
... in "Free Willy 2".
Under the direction of Dwight Little,
the cast is together again...
... for a sequel some
may not have expected.
I used to joke
that we were gonna do a sequel.
And everybody thought I was crazy.
But I did feel that it was
possible to make a sequel...
...if somebody could come up
with a good enough story.
My husband and I have this place
in the Northwest.
Quite often, there are tankers.
My fear is that a tanker will spill
and contaminate our waters.
We thought, "There's whales
in those waters...
...and seals and dolphins,
and what if that happened?"
"That would certainly hurt Willy."
And that's how the idea
of the next sequel came.
We created a scenario
that is very plausible.
The oil tankers run up and down
the San Juan straits...
...and they have accidents.
Give me something down there.
- I got nothing.
- We're doing the best we can.
My God.
If it's a single-line hull,
and oil spills...
...the oil goes all over.
When the oil spills,
it kills animals, ruins plant life...
...it forever changes the landscape
of the country.
We try to bring the whale family
and the Greenwood family...
...together at the same time.
But each with their own,
very real, conflicts.
- You have a brother.
- What?
He's a half brother, actually.
He's 8 years old.
Don't touch me. Just leave me alone.
I don't want a brother,
I want my mom!
Jesse's mother has passed away,
and there's a stepbrother.
And that is what really starts
a lot of conflict.